Understanding SMTP and how to send emails via Telnet.


  Understanding SMTP and how to send emails via Telnet.                   


 This text explains how one can telnet do an SMTP server, and use that
 server to their advantage via commandline.  What you are about to see, is
 what really goes on behind the scenes of every program you use to send
 email.  Now you will know how to do it manually and how to send email
 from other people.  This can be easily done in your email software, but
 we dont like that GUI mess, so we stick with the commandline.

 NOTE:  I do not recommend that anyone take this knowledge and attempt
        to cause any harm with it.  The emails being sent "CAN" be
        traced back to you if needed. If you plan to use this in a manner
        that is not appropriate then i suggest highly that you bnc through
        wingates, proxies and/or shells before reaching the smtp server. (It wont
        guarantee anything but it will make the smtp owners attempt to trace
        you just alittle harder.)

 Vulnerable Machines: Any machine running an SMTP server.  (port 25 usually)

                      Any machine running SMTP that allows forwarding will let you
                      send emails to anywhere in the world. (not many of these around
                      anymore) The rest will only allow you to send emails within
                      their domain.

 Found below is an example on how one can achieve the sending of spoofed mail. 

 /* Connect to the smtp server */

 [brainrawt@yourmommas brainrawt]$ telnet blau.com 25
 Connected to mail.blau.com (
 Escape character is '^]'.
 220 mail.blau.com ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.3/8.9.3; Tue, 3 Jul 2001 18:32:54 -0500

 /* Say "helo" to the server.  Its the nice thing to do. */

 >helo blau.com
 250 mail.blau.com Hello rawt.blazingpenguin.com [], pleased to meet you

 /* Tell the server where this email will "appear" to come from */

 >mail from: root@blau.com
 250 root@blau.com... Sender ok

 /* Tell the server where this email IS going */

 >rcpt to: brainrawt@blau.com
 250 brainrawt@blau.com... Recipient ok

 /* Prepare the server for our message by typing "data" */

 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself

 /* Now we shall get that msg in there (dont forget the "." on the line by itself.) */

 >This is my message and i am only sending it to help you better understand how this works.
 250 SAA29307 Message accepted for delivery

 /* Message has been accepted by the server.  Lets get outta here! */

 221 mail.blau.com closing connection
 Connection closed by foreign host.
 [brainrawt@yourmommas brainrawt]$

 The above example has sent an email from "root@blau.com" to "brainrawt@blau.com" with the
 message "This is my message and i am only sending it to help you better understand how this
 works." and it has all been done remotely by a user that doesnt even have an account on